The adventure begins on the King's Road - where our trio is suddenly ambushed by a group of Kobolds. Although both Treeface and Spartacus notice them hiding before they can launch an attack, the Kobolds still prove to be faster and act first. Within a minute Treeface is heavily injured and the other two aren't far behind - the Kobolds attack relentlessly, crowding in on the group, with one staying back to sling dangerous ammo at our adventurers - the first of which is a pot of sticky glue, which immobilises Treeface for a good couple of minutes, whilst he downs the first of his health potions to recover.
However, once the trio has gathered their wits, they return the attack and Kobolds start dropping left, right and center, Spartacus swinging into them with his great-axe whilst Treeface stands his ground and distance, using the long reach of his halberd to great effect. Apate is stood back from the main brawl, using his powers of the mind to casually but systematically bring pain and distraction to the Kobolds in the fight, some of them dropping dead from the sheer power used.
Another pot, this time filled with burning pitch comes flying through the whirling melee, but misses all targets. A third, the same, follows closely and smashes into Spartacus - setting him on fire and only causing him to be angrier. By this point, only a few Kobolds remain and they are quickly dispatched, though not before Treeface uses up another potion. After recovering, healing up and looting the corpses, the trio continues on to Winterhaven, where their true adventure awaits...
Upon reaching the town, they head straight to the Inn, for a meal, a drink and perhaps a chat with some of the townsfolk. Treeface has a quick discussion with the owner (Salvana), who mentions they should probably talk to the local history buff (Eilian) regarding the whereabouts of Douven - Eilian just so happens to be happily drinking at a table in the Inn, so the group heads over to ask him some questions. Turns out Eilian knew Douven quite well whilst he was staying in the village, apparently asking lots of questions about the Dragon burial site nearby - thinking there might be a treasure hoard hidden away somewhere within that area. Eilian draws up a quick map for the party, showing them the location of the burial site if they wish to check it out.
Upon mentioning the Kobold attack, Eilian tells them they should report it to Lord Padraig immediately, as it is a major issue for the townspeople currently. He points towards a man quietly sipping beer in the corner and tells them that that's the Lord and he won't mind being approached. The trio thanks Eilian for his help and moves over the where Lord Padraig is sitting, opening with mention of the Kobolds.
Padraig (whose first name is Ernest...) thanks them for reporting it, and mentions that the Kobold attacks have been getting more frequent - that something is obviously stirring them up. He asks the group if they would be willing to eradicate the pests - for a reward of course, plus whatever loot they find along the way. Upon accepting this quest, he pens up a map for the group, showing the location of the Kobold Lair (just East of the Dragon burial site) and goes back to his drink.
After a quick discussion amongst themselves, the trio decides that eradicating the Kobolds should be their first goal, before investigating the burial site in search of Douven. They pay for lodgings at the Inn at get a decent nights rest before setting out in the morning.
The group sets out, making their way back along the Kings Road towards the small game trail they have to follow to take them towards the lair. Whilst travelling along the way, Treeface spots some more Kobolds waiting in ambush, but before he can warn the other two, they jump out from their hiding spots and attack!
The rest of this session will be posted later in the week - I'm splitting it into segments to keep you interested ;P
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