Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Ambush ALL the things!

Our story with DM notes!

Kobolds! Lots of them! Well....5 of them....but 3 have shields and one looks quite evil, wearing a bone mask carved in the shape of a dragon. Could this be one of their fabled Wyrmpriests? I think it could be...
The adventurers don't have time to notice this however - they're being attacked! The three shield-bearing Kobolds charge straight in, going for the larger two of the group (and the two closest), Spartacus and Treeface. A fourth Kobold, wielding a spear, approaches from the flank, and move sin to take on Apate, who is cowering at the rear of the group. The Wyrmpriest (for he is such) moves to block the road and sends out a terrible globe of energy, smashing Spartacus for some nasty acidic damage.

The group looks to be in trouble, but Treeface kicks into action, having spotted the ambush and being less surprised - he swings back with a nasty attack, damaging one of the shield-bearers nastily. Then the full battle begins, as the Kobolds retaliate - the melee swinging into their targets whilst the priest steps forward to breath acidic flames across the group - and across his own allies. Treeface is shielded by Spartacus, who takes the brunt of the attack, whilst one shield-bearer drops dead and the other appears heavily injured. 'Twould seem this particular magic-using enemy has no love for his fellow allies.

The rest of the trio breaks in, Spartacus swinging his heavy great-axe with precision and power, taking chunks of health from anything stupid enough to be next to him. Treeface continues to use his halberd's reach with great skill, constantly maneuvering to the best positions. Apate steps back, blasting psychic power through the minds of her foes, knocking them senseless. After a rowdy battle, during which none of the adventurers is too seriously injured (though Treeface got close as usual), the last Kobold is dispatched and the group stands amongst the corpses. After a quick moment to gather their breath, they loot what they can find - including a strange necklace on the Wyrmpriest - with a dragon figurine upon which is etched the symbol of the demon lord of the undead - Orcus. Why would a simple Kobold be wearing this? The adventurers don't stop to question it - they just add it to the rest of the loot and continue on their way.

The lair itself, they find, is actually situated near a waterfall, which provides the source for a small stream flowing south-west. The area is shielded by a small glade of trees, but before they can investigate further, Treeface, with keen perception hears and spots a large gathering of Kobolds - just seconds before the other two notice. They slow their pace, to think about what to do - it appears that Kobolds haven't noticed their existence yet.

Not caring about strategical plans, Spartacus decides to take the lead and rushes through the trees to the closest enemy - who happens to be standing in the center of an old magic circle. Nothing appears to happen as Spartacus steps into it, though he somehow feels he can hit things better... (DM Note: Sacred Circle, any creature standing in the circle receives +1 to attack rolls)...he swings down hard and smashes his axe into the Kobold - alerting the others to his presence, though not before his allies can jump into the fray! Treeface rushes in and swings through the trees at the same Kobold, infuriating it, but also injuring it badly. Apate stands behind the glade, using her mind to probe through at a different enemy, killing it outright. Spartacus gets yet another swing in before the Kobolds can act, smashing his foe to the ground, where it is clearly dead.

Then the Kobolds act....and they swarm around the group, closing in and attacking with spears and swords - whilst one stands back and slings heavy iron bullets into the fray. Damage is dealt both ways, the party taking huge hits - Treeface even retreating back behind the trees for a short time, though it's easy to see the Kobolds are taking the brunt of it. Their main force is dropping like flies, and the few stronger Kobolds that are left are being ganged up on and start to drop as well. The slinger is the last to go - fighting strong until his demise.

The area is clear except for the corpses of Kobolds now, some of them floating down the stream - though the fight was loud and long, it doesn't seem to have brought any more enemies from within the lair.....
The group takes a quick rest after assuring themselves safe and take what they can salvage from the bodies (this is beginning to become a habit...loot ALL the things)

Our adventure will continue soon.....what will the trio find within the lair? Why has there been no Kobolds coming out to investigate? WHAT COULD IT ALL MEAN?
Find out next time.......</cartoonending>

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